Sunday, February 12, 2012

Lago (Lake) Titicaca Pictures

I can't resist! 

Dock at Estrecho de Tiquina (Tiquina Straight), separating Copacabana from the rest of Bolivia 

Fuenta del Inca - natural spring water thought to provide good luck and health 

Terraced mountainsides 

 One of many islands on Lake Titicaca

 Temple of the Sun  

 Trucha  (Trout - very popular here)

 Isla del Sol (Sun Island)

 Church on Isla Del Sol

 Dock on Lake Titicaca - take off point from Copacabana to Isla Del Sol 


 Walking along the terraced paths

 Our hotel

 Inside the hotel - very cute!  (except for the lack of heating or hot water)

 View of lake from hotel eating area

 More terraced hillsides

 Me and Tanya

 Fruit is often served as dessert

 Potato soup (Bolivia grows >200 kinds of potatoes)

 House on Isla del Sol

 Temple of the Sun

 Window within Temple of the Sun, looking out onto terraces

 Isla del Luna (Island of the moon, where legend has it the moon was created)

 Temple of the sun - doorway looking onto lake

 more temple of the sun windows, looking onto lake facing east (Bolivia side; Peru is toward the west)

 Sunrise on Isla Del Sol


                                      Trucha (Trout) is very popular around Lake Titicaca.  Mmmm!

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